今年4月份, 联亚药业收到了美国贸易代表办公室(USTR)发出的关税警告,称特朗普总统将对500亿美元中国产品征收25%的关税,其中包括由中国进入美国的避孕药和所有药物制剂,也就是说联亚药业所有进入美国市场的药品均在加征25%关税之列。
得知这一消息后, 为了避免联亚药业被拉入贸易战中,公司领导迅速商讨对策,果断决定,紧急调动资源,聘请美国律师,准备听证材料,全力以赴争取参加USTR听证会的机会。通过各方的努力,公司最终争取到了参加USTR听证会的机会,首席运营官Prasad代表公司出席了5月17日的听证会,并作了5分钟的发言,从有利于美国病人和节省医疗成本的角度,充分阐述了他们的观点。此后,USTR还进行了一次全面的调查。在完成所有取证程序后,最终USTR采纳了他们的意见和建议,在6月13日同意把从中国进口的所有药品都从301征税目录中删除,并在美国媒体进行了报道(见英文报道)。
作为唯一参加美国 USTR听证会的中国制剂药企,他们通过听证和卓有成效的工作,一方面维护了联亚药业自身的经济利益,提升了市场竞争力;另一方面,也为美国的消费者做了一件好事,节约了药费支出;更为中国医药工业做了一件大事,中国输美药品全部从301征税目录中删除,惠及了所有的中国药企。
为中国输美药品从301 征税目录中永久性删除,联亚药业作出了自己的贡献。
It was reported in the US media by Doug Palmer |06/13/2018 05:01 AMEDT, as follows:
The Friday deadline triggered a scramble by many affected businesses to get their items removed off the list- and others to get their products on .The intense activity was on display during three days of hearings in late May, when the administration heard testimony from around 100 witnesses.One was Prasad Pinnamaraju, Chief Operating Officer of Novast Laboratories a U.S. subsidiary of Chinese pharmaceutical company Novast Holdings, which supplies about 10 to 20 percent of the U.S. market for birth control pills.
"Given our market share and the heavily regulated nature of suppliers to the market, there is a high risk of a shortage of supply, at least for some period of time."Pinnamaraju said. "This means, a some point, woman will go into her pharmacy and not be able to obtain her birth control medication . It is hard to imagine that any other product under consideration for the 301 tariffs so disproportionately targets women over men"
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